Reckless & Wild

Manitoba Hal

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The modern sound of the ukulele? Two ukuleles and a drum machine? No matter how you describe it, this recording is a departure from the usual strumming sound associated with the humble ukulele. Manitoba Hal has filled it with infections grooves, overdriven slide leads, glorious ambient reverbs and lush arrangements. All performed on his trusty

The modern sound of the ukulele? Two ukuleles and a drum machine? No matter how you describe it, this recording is a departure from the usual strumming sound associated with the humble ukulele. Manitoba Hal has filled it with infections grooves, overdriven slide leads, glorious ambient reverbs and lush arrangements. All performed on his trusty double neck ukulele and his "Made-By-Hal" baritone resonator ukulele.

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    All Around The World

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    Learned Pigs And Fireproof Women

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    Ten Bucks Too Light

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